Dope Magazine: From Soil to Oil



By Dope Staff

“I started basically with one light in my garage,” said David LaFlamme as he recounted his history as a cannabis grower. Since their modest beginning seven years ago, NW KINDhas grown to over 80 lights in a state-of-the-art facility that specializes in soil to oil production. “I’m an electrician by trade and I was between things, and I was talking to my nephew—he’s the one I got [the strain] XJ-13 from—and he was setting up a little garden. I was immediately drawn to it; handling plants, watching the progression, just learning about the technology behind it and watching that grow.” With the first clone provided by LaFlamme’s nephew and his two sons working the garden, NW KIND has always been a family affair.

NW KIND knows that any great extract starts with quality flower. “That’s where it all starts,” commented Blaise LaFlamme, head of extraction. Sharing an idea passed down from his father, Blaise reiterates, “We’re growers first, what drives us is to be able to provide a very high quality product, whatever it is, based on this plant we are exceptionally good at growing.”

“We got excited right off the bat because our stuff was coming out awesome, we weren’t seeing anything like it at the time,” beamed Blaise about NW KIND’s BHO. This can be credited to the quality controls in place during cultivation, “The product going in definitely dictates the product coming out, no matter what system you’re using.”

NW KIND looks forward to applying years of research to producing a “rounded out bouquet of options” for their recreational and medical customers alike. “From the very beginning I’ve tracked every single room, from what I fed it, when I started it, when I finished it, when I cut it down to what the yield was. I can tell you back 6-7 years. I’ve got a folder for every single room exactly like that. So everything we have done has been scientifically documented.”

“The product going in definitely dictates the product coming out, no matter what system you’re using.” -Blaise LaFlamme


Dope Magazine: Gray Day


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